Thursday, May 15, 2014

"Your genes are not your fate " ---

##One way to change our genes is to make new ones,as Craig Venter has so elegantly shown.
Another is to change our lifestyles.
And what we're learning is how powerful and dynamic these changes can be, that you don't have to wait very long to see the benefits.
When you eat healthier, manage stress, exercise and love more,your brain actually gets more blood flow and more oxygen. 
But more than that, your brain gets measurably bigger. 
Now, there's some things that you can do to make your brain grow new brain cells. 
Some of my favorite things, like chocolate and tea, blueberries, alcohol in moderation, stress management and cannabinoids found in marijuana....
Your skin gets more blood flow when you change your lifestyle, so you age less quickly. 
Your skin doesn't wrinkle as much. 
Your heart gets more blood flow.
............Well, our genes are not our fate, and if we make these changes --they're a predisposition -- but if we make bigger changes than we might have made otherwise, we can actually change how our genes are expressed. ##

I really think it's serendipity that I should come across this TedX talk right after I had explained to CYL about my hereditary mental illness genes.

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