Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What I can't afford to lose

Last week, a good online friend of mine sent a 'happy whistling' Brit song to me, with the message; "Listen to this whenever you feel unhappy".

That song was sang by some ol' Brit uncle with thick annoying accent. I replied, "Thanks, but really...IF I am depressed, this'd be the LAST song I'd listen to."
"Why? Because it's very uplifting?"
"No. Because if I'd want to jump down from a building, this song will definitely prompt me to jump sooner."

Funny. I lost my wallet this morning and this bloody (read with heavy Brit accent) was playing in my head the whole time.

I truly believe that a person's character is best judged based on
  1. how they react in adversity.
  2. how they treat their inferiors.
  3. what they do at their leisure.

So, with the first challenge in mind, I tried very hard to remain as sane and composed as possible.

I kept chanting, "Be positive, be positive. There's something good out of this."

We just finished mid-term and I suggested to a close classmate of mine that we go for a movie to chill out. It was only at the car park of the shopping complex that I realised I lost my wallet.

I went frantic. "When was the last time I saw it? Damn..." My thoughts retraced back to when I took it out to borrow library books, or was it when I left it on the table and feel asleep supposedly from studying in the library?

I rushed back to the university. Asked the staff in the office, library and computer lab. None.

Close classmate accompanied me to the police station. Made report. Got annoyed that the policewoman was more interested in my braces and what I had for lunch rather than HOW I lost my wallet. But still, I remained 'cool'. Still chanting that 'Be positive' mantra.

Good close classmate bought me lunch and tried to cheer me up. She paid for the parking, police report fee, and joked the wise chinese saying, ''Sacrifice the money to block disaster". I genuinely smiled.

During the long solemn journey home, my mind kept playing the 'positive' lessons I could learn from this. Maybe God wants me to realise that I shouldn't put too much emphasis on economic possessions.

I mean, the first thing that came into my mind was the amount of cash I've lost and my beautiful branded wallet which I had purchased at a warehouse-sale price. And of course, the horror of going through the government bureaucracy to regain back my legal identification.

Suddenly, I came to realised that the ONE thing that I can't possibly replace was the wallet-size photo I have of myself, sis and my two favourite babies (my mom used to babysit. The sight of them smiling thaws me.)

I regret that it didn't occur to me earlier. I am ashamed that I had felt sad over those petty things that I could so easily replace.

But that photo. I can't.

The boys are all grown up now and their parents no longer need my mom's service. I can never find a photo to rekindle my fond memories of us together.

He is no fool who gives what he can't keep, to gain what he can't afford to lose.

Gotcha!! Yeah, I DID lose my wallet. But the main reason I can afford to type this down in my blog is because the student affairs department just called me to inform me they found my wallet! My branded wallet is saved!!! Come back to momma!!

Ok, ok... I'll be good. I'll give some to charity.

The Local Economy Boosting Foundation. aka SHOPPING!


Anonymous said...

Well done! i would say it was worth the 'fright' for a precious learning curve =)

Anonymous said...

Well done! i would say it was worth the 'fright' for a precious learning curve =)