Thursday, March 09, 2006


Although I always DO feel guilty for ponteng-ing. I really might run into trouble one day. But I really DO seem to learn MORE each time I do things out of the norm.
Out of the rationale.
When I’m simply doing what my heart dictates me to.

I was at a local art gallery. The curator was most kind. He took the trouble to set up the proper lighting and music. I kept requesting him to just, ‘let it be’. There were students on set working. I had the privilege to see Picassos in making.

An elderly British woman was painting something that was obviously personal. Bold and shameless me approached her. She explained that that was how she felt during a particular sunset moment. There was so much sorrow and disappointment and yet a shred of hope is still visible in her ‘sun’.

I was looking at other paintings on the board and this kind lady was dragging pieces of cardboards on the floor away from me. “Are these on the way?” “No, not at all. Please leave them”. She smiled.

I looked at the cardboards on the floor. I asked her, “Are these your work?” She was bashfully humble. “Ah, yes.” I asked her a few questions. She was very generous.
She’s so Asian-ly humble and said, “Very strange and frightening, right?”
“No. It’s very … very real”, looking at her work intently.”

She told me that as a good artist, one must recognize and overcome the unresolved ‘monsters’ in us.
I hope to never forget her drawings.

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