Sunday, March 26, 2006

Fear and Order

Yesterday, I called a friend and asked him,
"What is your worst FEAR?",
"When was the last time you were really frightened?"
He couldn't give me a straight answer.
He attempted to patronize me with a third-person point of view.
All the same, I appreciate his effort and time.

Today, whilst I was in Borders, I came across an answer to MY fear.

Yes, the world can be a chaotic place, and many of us get caught up in external trappings. We lose sight of what is essential and non-essential.
Master once said, 'Get quickly fed up with your life and change the direction of living in order. When you are the way you want to be, you are in order.
The order is mastery, a movement within this order, is meditation.
Janet Love Morrison, A love letter-Masters World -1st edition,2006

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