Saturday, July 14, 2007

As I opened the car door, I stepped on something really mushy.
I immediately retracted my foot.
I looked at it.
OMG , it's moving.
At first, I thought it's a rat.
But why is it struggling like that?
Looked closer, it's a newly born kitten!

Later that night, I could still hear that poor kitten whimpering for its mother.
I searched the house but couldn't find any old baby bottles although I'm sure my mom keeps them.
I made some milk - out of powder and used a little plastic spoon to feed that poor little one.
Poor thing, its eyes aren't even opened yet but its mother had abandoned it.

As soon as it felt the milk, that poor creature rushed towards my direction which startled me very much because I thought it was too weak for such strength.
My heart broke seeing that it's not capable of drinking the milk from the tiny plastic spoon.
It's the mother's warmth and tits that this little un needs.

How is this little creature going to survive when its own mother isn't there?

1 comment:

Vincent said...

i always have questions for things like that. either we help or it can die by itself.

sometimes we couldn't help it at all and it dies AND we remember the pain ...

darn shitty world.