Sunday, April 30, 2006

3 day holiday

I was in one of my ‘my life is a piece of shit’ moods.
Avoided people like plaque.
Gave obligatory smiles and nods.
Was in library to renew books.

The librarian strikes a conversation with me as if we’ve known each other for years.

L1= (pointing at the other lady librarian, L2) Look at her, she’s laughing for no reason. You’d have to excuse her, she just got out of the mental hospital.

L2 = At least, I am officially released from the hospital. (looking at me while pointing to L1) But you! You ran away from the hospital!

Both of them continued teasing each other fervently.
At first, I just reacted by smiling politely. But looking at their antics, slowly my smiles were genuine.

I left the library still smiling sheepishly, amazed at how 3 day-holiday are capable of making people so... happy.

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