Sunday, March 04, 2007

Wai’s movies

The first time I watched Wong Kar Wai’s movies, I was disappointed. Oddly, after severe depression, I began to understand his movies. Watching ‘In the mood for love’ for the second time, I began to capture the artistic side, which is actually the majority part of the movie.
Most of us want to ‘get straight to the point’. But how else to depict one’s loneliness and emotional turmoil when the audience wants to ‘hurry up’?

more shockingly, I can’t believe he has won my vote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i had to watch wong kar wai's in the mood for love the second time to understand what was going on. when i first watched it i didn't make it through the first pirated CD. when i feel sick one day, i made it through the entire movie. lovely. the part where he told all his sorrows in a hole was the most touching. i could relate how he felt. recently i loved this girl but she wouldn't leave her retarded chinese ed boyfriend knowing she would rather belong to me since we share more in common than anyone else. when she decided to still be with him, it made me feel bad because choosing him over me said quite a lot about myself which I then reflected. do i feel bad about myself? in some ways yes. but i do not at all think lowly of myself. i guess that song Don McLean sung for Vincent Van Gogh was meant for me. Starry starry night.