Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I'm a Bad person

One of the most obvious symptoms of depression is GUILT.
For the past months, this phrase - "I'm a bad person'' would sum up as my memory verdict.

I know most people would just think that people suffering from depression are just some sorry-ass people who can't stop feeling pityful and feel that the world owes them perfection.

To me, the popular Harry Potter's Dementors had explain depression very well.

In the films, dementors appear to be considerably shorter, and fly rather than glide. In addition, close inspection reveals that the Dementors in the movies contain skeletal torsos and heads.
Being blind, Dementors sense and feed on the positive emotions of human beings to
move around, forcing them to relive their worst memories. The very presence of a Dementor makes the surrounding atmosphere grow cold and dark, and the effects are cumulative with the number of Dementors present. Those kept in the company of a Dementor for too long become depressed, and are often driven insane, which is the main source of Azkaban's well-deserved horrible reputation.

1 comment:

Vincent said...

Can i disagree?!

It depends on who you meet with, I think the way you wrote it as 'sorry-ass people' is being one sided and could i say prejudiced? I am very sure not all think that way. Most of people would not be aware or sometimes concerned, that's why they might make u feel that way perhaps.

There can be various reasons for bouts of depression. Common ones started from stress, any kind of Stress. Which lead to Anxiety and then onwards to Depressive state. If we look at daily lives, everybody is stressful, and probably will lead to anxiety. How it goes on to depression depends on how well the person controls it. Sounds familiar, but not forgetting God. We are made to rely on Him.

In fact, the whole world has a LOT of people with this sickness. Medical experts term it as the 'silent-killer' (apart from cardiac arrest). Such state of mind usually is under reported as well on the media.

Putting into Harry Potter's picture is somehow correct, but really shouldn't be followed, IMHO. Simply because I can write my arguments on it and there are other forms of social context.

The world isn't perfect after all. Someone who's depressed don't need the world to think them as sorry-ass who can't stop being pitiful.