Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I watched the movie - FORGIVENESS, the one where I was trying so hard to get somebody to utilise my free pair of tickets with.

In the end, I'm truly glad that I had watched it alone.
I had the entire cineplex to myself.
It would have been fantastic had it been a porn movie. Hahaha.

It was a good movie, and I wouldn't want anybody to tell me otherwise.
At the end of the movie, they quoted Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
I had Googled for some time and couldn't find the entire precise quote that was used in the movie, so I'll just have to type what I remember.

"Forgive and close the door of your past; not to forget, but in order to release self-imprisonment."

Nobody opened the exit door for me, so I walked out the same way I had walked in earlier.
The other cineplex door was opened.
I invited myself in.
X-MEN - The final stand; was on.

When I left the cineplex, I was wondering.
What if many of us have misunderstood our 'gifts/talents' for 'curse/burdens'?
What if we had allowed other people determined what we are good for?

Sometimes, I wonder why I bother going to overpriced and over-rated educational institutions when I can just watch movies and read books. =P

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