Thursday, July 31, 2014

Job interviews are always unnerving because I am asked questions that I deliberately avoid.
"Tell us about yourself"
"Why did you..."
"What motivates you?"
"Why do you want to work here?"
And the judgemental or non-responsive ''Really? That's your answer?" expression can really take a toll in my already basement-low self-esteem.

And yet, perhaps, these experiences are good opportunities to self-reflect and explore.

Oh gawd, all the forms and necessary documentations.
Growing pains.
Or maybe just the pain.

When I reached KL, I thought it's so much more beautiful than Penang.
How odd, I have never viewed KL in this manner before.
I have long known for a fact that KL has wider and better roads, taller and grandeur buildings, and of course, more land.
But it has never felt like home.
It still doesn't.

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