Saturday, March 22, 2014

YL was trying to find out why am I over-thinking about that guy.
"Just go out with that guy and find out how you / he feels about each other. And please, just both of you this time?"
I tried to explain the reasons of my reluctance, I was entirely truthful but I left out the biggest truth. (we're not that close, yet)
The big truthful part - that I've always struggled with depression, and I worry that getting into a relationship might just be the worst idea.

I even told her the most embarrassing part, that I've never even had a boyfriend before.
She was surprised and bluntly asked, "Are you gay?"
To be honest, I was very flattered by this question.
In my interpretation, she must have thought I was single all my life because I was struggling with my sexuality?
It never occur to her that the reason may simply be that I wasn't deemed desirable for girlfriend material?

Last night, LC texted me to encourage me to ask him out.
I think he must have left a very good impression, coz LC thinks he's a catch.
But she wouldn't date him because he's shorter than her, that's her reason, or so she said.

You know what I think?
I think I need more productive topics to discuss with my friends and colleagues.
This is way...too 'high school'.

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