Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I took up the Online-Coupon gym offer recently.
It was only one fifth of the usual monthly fee.
I have bought many Online-Coupon facials and spas to know well enough how 'hard-sell' the promoters would be in getting me into signing up for memberships.
I'll just need to be thick-skinned, once again =)

It's quite a high-end gym and I can really feel the air of elitism.
Naturally, my self-defeating mind played tricks on me.
**I edited and deleted the examples of the negative thoughts here**

But I suck it in and chant in my head,
"I'm invisible, they can't see me. I'm Invisible. They're not looking at me. I'm INVISIBLE."

It worked.
And I love how it sounds like INVINCIBLE.

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