Sunday, December 23, 2007

Just had a hair cut.
Went to the saloon.
I was quite flabbergasted when she asked me what kind of hair cut I had in mind.
"Er... just short lar."
She seemed a bit annoyed that I'm not answering her question.
I just wanted my hair short.
She took out a 'catolog' of hair styles.
I just mini mynee mo-ed on one picture.

I think at this point I broke her patience.
"You don't come to saloons often, huh?"
I smiled, "Just cut lar... don't worry, I won't get angry at whatever style."

She took a very safe route and cut very little of my hair.
I didn't mind.
I thought it looked nice.
I really like the way hair stylist touches my hair.
It's like they look at me and see the possibility of me being at my best -
--well that's what I'd 'like' to believe.

I went home and was very excited to show me sis.
"look at me, look at me!"
My sister gave me a sleepy look, "OH, you tied your hair and cut ah?"
although I DID that before, but I was slightly hurt by this.

Later, upon clarification she said it was nice.

1 comment:

Elisha said...

I like this post!! I'm actually very particular about what hairstyle i get because it has to be a functional hairstyle, easy to maintain. I like how you didn't really seem to care. If only i could live life as carefree.