Friday, August 10, 2007

I have a close friend-colleague who took the risk of telling me one very disturbing flaw of mine.
She told me that I have this really annoyingly rude habit of ignoring her when we're already half way in a conversation.

I think I do realise this.
I know that I must overcome this horrible short-coming of mine or else, like what she said, "she'll pinch the sense out of me!"

Would you be interested to know how I developed this habit?

I grew up in the midst of very strong opinionated family members.
My parents especially, wouldn't tolerate having their children having a different opinion from them.
Therefore, I grew up keeping quiet no matter what rubbish is being said to me.
I developed the ultimate habit of shutting out the words thrown to me the moment my subconscious mind detects irrelevancy.

Automatically, my concentration shuts down and my mouth will keep a very tight lid; not even uttering the most basic audible response.

Yes, that was the kind of 'effective' communication my family has taught me.
This method has now so strongly hold root in me, that...

I have to reprogram my entire communication skill altogether.
I mean, just how many times can I explain this story to?
Would you excuse me?

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