Saturday, July 15, 2006


I was at The Star's library.
Flipping through the papers in the 80s, I was overwhelmed by the immense feeling of the 'old times'.
Assasinated leaders then still alive, history that were then frightful wars and conflicts, implemented policies then still at deliberating stage; the most entertaining was the advertisements; for movies shown in cinemas.
Ah, back then we had only cinemas, not cineplex.


I was shocked that the security guard thinks that people who work in the bookstore are 'smart' people.
I tried so hard to convince him that he could do the same work .
He thought I was merely trying to be polite.

This conversation reminded me of a previous one I had with a lady who wanted to take a 9-5 job in order to spend more time with her children but is unsure about paper work. No matter how simple.

You should have listened to my motivational speech.
Although it was sincere, upon self reflection, I can't help but feel that I was hipocritical.

I was trying to advise people things I don't even dare apply to myself.

Indeed, something to ponder.

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