Monday, August 22, 2011

"The only thing that keeps me going, is the belief that I still can make a difference in this world. There's that one person whom I can help, even in my own smallest way - I can still make a difference."

I said that in a support group. Though it does sound like a pageantry answer, I didn't rehearse it. I didn't even know that I felt so strongly about the above words.
But one thing's for sure,

That's why it's important to talk about things.
We might still surprise ourselves.
When we vocalised our convictions, it becomes a promise to ourselves.

This morning,
I pledged monthly donations to Kidney Medicare Charity Fund.


Elisha said...

Doesn't sounds pageantry at all. Sounds like it came from the heart. I think it's awesome that you pledge to give monthly donations to the Kidney Medicare Charity Fund, any reasons why you chose that particular charity? Curious to know.

Anonymous said...

Very poignant