Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Soft Skills

written in a lecture--- Help! 20 mins have passed since this woman has walked into the room and announced in an acutely crude "aunty" voice (which promptly reminded me of the kueh teow th'ng hawker), "im here to teach you soft skills" , yeah, u got it right, SOFT SKILLS...

Although i very much rather read my magazine and live up to my skin color as the passive sort, this woman's voice is far too distracting, thus - the birth of this blog posting.

The following are her mistakes in presentation=(in bracket are my presumed understanding)

  • I'm giving you fads from your future employers.(facts)
  • You all want to be journalism, right?(journalists)
  • I'm going to alleviate your speaking skills.(i seriously have no idea but she has repeated it many times)
  • if you cant be journalists, you decided to work in a company...
  • if you can be more better than a receptionist. - (i just detest this remark)
  • it's padatic (pathetic)

There are more of course but I couldn't continue copying, thus finishing about 3 pages of news from Iran and why the mainland Chinese youths are now very promiscuous.

I looked around and applaud silently for my fellow rakan rakan seperjuangan who have long fallen asleep.

#It's her job today to teach us how to be employable. I seriously believe that she has the absolute RIGHT credentials to be standing here. Because I want to know how she got HER job.

@food for thought-if truly everyone in this world is good in what they do, surely this world would be a much better place, right?

Karma : one fine day, someone will criticise my presentation more brutally.

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