Monday, November 02, 2020

 I've been feeling very anxious and restless lately.
So bad, that I can sense that I'm being a threat to myself.
I went back to my parents' home.

The presence of others help dilute the darkness.
The distraction helps.
Even an unharmonious environment beats the cold dark lonely self-harming thoughts.

Today is my 5th day home.
Anxiety still lingers.
But at least the darkness isn't as horrific.

I had to explain to my boss that I'd take a pay cut in lieu of the current responsibilities.
She was understandably perturbed.
All of a sudden, I told my landlord my decision of moving back home.
I'm still very fearful of this decision.

My current worries seems to be burdening me, so much that even the dentist (I went for treatment) asked me, "Are you worried about the procedure?".
I just answered, "Yes" as to not lead to more questions.

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