Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Had a really bad family argument.
I was accused of using money that isn't mine.
To put it bluntly, they accuse me of stealing.

In this episode, my brother hurt me deeply.
I have always made excuse for his bad behaviour.
But this time, he gaslighted me, accusing me of being rude on one occasion.

Anyway, this has happened before.
Too many times.
Hence, I do feel very suicidal.

I just want to die each time I think of my family.
How do I detach myself from this toxicity?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear, this really does suck. But you gotta chin up and persevere. ( like always)
what you can control right now, is to get yourself out of this toxic environment / triggers.
I think you need to physically remove yourself from that environment.
It would be better for you...gives you space to breathe.
Keep at that job, and when you are more stable financially, then perhaps consider moving out , rent a place. It might help.
Eye on the prize. Keep at it okay. You can do this!
