Friday, August 18, 2006


My sis asked, "Eh, that is new employee ah?"
My father explained , "Aiyo, very pitiful case, he had an accident and has lost part of his memory, along with his communication ability. He used to be an insurance agent. Sigh, now he can only perform simple manual task lar.."

My sister later told me that this testimony reminded her of another 'kisah benar'- another true story of relevance.
"HW was exceptionally good in mathematics. He once brought those little rythymic-blinking bulb toy and even tried to explain how it works. Stating that it's actually very simple mechanism. But after the accident, sigh, he was a whole different person."

I look at the people around me.
It frightens me that a person's destiny could drastically change like that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

weih, update la...