Friday, June 17, 2016

I went back to clear my things.
No apology is enough.
I know that my leaving will add more work to the team.
I 'left' the group chats etc.
As I removed all the post-it notes on my monitor screen and cubicle wall, I can't help but feel sentimental.
All my notes now mean nothing anymore.
I logged off my ID from the phone, realising that I have never once made a phone call.
Wow, exactly two months.
I came in on the 18th and now leaving on 17th.

I really really feel sad about this.
Like a breakup.
I really wanted this to work.
I was really happy.
And I keep questioning myself what went wrong?
Did I give up too soon?
Did I try hard enough?
Could it have worked out?

My team leader courteously apologized if she had pushed me too hard and asked about my treatment.
She's really a reasonable boss.
I'm just so sorry that I'm not quicker and sharper.

Meanwhile, my good friend sent the below to cheer me up.
It did, for awhile.


Anonymous said...

This happens to many of us. You are not alone. For about a year I have followed this blog and it has helped me tremendously. From sipping a moment of clarity to breathing. It's all around.

cendolic said...

thank you so much for your kind comment. as u can see, I don't get much in here. thanks. really means a lot.