Saturday, May 31, 2014

Today, I learnt that tears during a heartbreak is similar with menstruation flow.
It's terribly private and embarrassing; it leaves stains and worse of all, I can't control it.

I had a great outing with my buddies last night.
My appetite returned - which I only came to realised when my friend pointed it out.

So, I thought ah... I'm back.
It's all good.

But today, after gym, as I was driving to the office, suddenly my heart ached again.
Tears began swelling.
Nevertheless, I'm still very certain I'm ok.

I'm currently rereading some of my old online chats with CLY.
I 'm even smiling at some of his flirtatious comments and posts.
He can deny it all he wants, but in my books, we were dating.
And you know what ?
I think this experience is my biggest achievement so far !
4 years ago, I would never have dared to even hope that I'd have a chance to go on dates.
But now,
I'm reminded of my older post.

10 points for TEASIPS!

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